Tag Archives: avocado

New Caledonia Avocado Festival Date


Our date-around-the-world dates this year have been much lower key than last year’s but have been lots of fun. Most of them have lined up with some kind of festival or holiday that’s going on in a given country in a given month. In early May we “traveled” to New Caledonia for the Avocado Festival, which was held there from April 30 through May 2 this year. We mostly celebrated through food. Here are some ideas from creating your own Avocado Festival experience:

  • Have lots of tropical fruits for eating and making various drinks and dishes together.
  • Watch a commentary or other video about New Caledonia.

  • Dress in something tropical or beach-themed.



  • Make guacamole. Serve it with corn chips and fresh veggies.


  • Make smoothies with tropical fruits and avocado.
  • Play tropical music or something from New Caledonia.

  • Relax with avocado facial masks (or a different green avocado-wanna-be mask). We opted to eat all of our avocados rather than using them on our faces, so I can’t recommend a certain “recipe” for making a face mask, but there are lots of simple ones out there on the Internet.